This paper deals with the design of a predictive-integral current controller for renewable energy systems connected to the grid through PWM voltage-source converters. The control system is tailored to achieve a deadbeat-type response to set-point step changes and decoupled active- and reactive-power control. An alternative approach is designed by using a state-feedback controller. Both control systems are compared in terms of the robustness of the closed-loop dynamic response and the active and reactive-power coupling when system-modelling errors exist. Simulation and experimental results show that the predictive-integral approach is superior.
Keywords: Renewable energy; Voltage-source converter; Deadbeat system; Predictive control; State-feedback control; Robust control
JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 1,943 (2009); 5,400 - Q1 (2023)
DOI reference:
Published on paper: February 2009.
Published on-line: August 2008.
P.L. Roncero-Sánchez, V. Feliú, A. García-Cerrada, Design and comparison of state-feedback and predictive-integral current controllers for active- and reactive-power control in renewable energy systems. Control Engineering Practice. Vol. 17, nº. 2, pp. 255 - 266, February 2009. [Online: August 2008]